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Novel In Progress | Tristan Drakeford
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Novel In Progress

    My first novel is a retelling of three horror classics : Dracula, Werewolf, and Frankenstein. These began as a short story but evolved into a book's worth of content.

    Dracula's misery leads him to challenge everything he ever knew. With his newfound god like powers, what decisions will he make? Is anyone safe?

    A butcher and his family live a simple peasant's life, but then a bite from a wild animal brings unfathomable horrors. How can one tame the beast within?

    Doctor Frankenstein is a pursuer of knowledge. Is there a limit of testing he will go in its pursuit? People die everyday, should that hinder one to find out about life's mysteries?

Progress Made:

Title: Done

Story: Done

Editing: In Progress

Cover: In Progress

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